Chuck Evans' MONTEZUMA Brand Sauces & Salsas


Ghost Jolokia Really Hot Sauce

17667 15101

16 oz.

$ 15.95 Shipping Included

A delicious earthy pepper that started the natural super-hot chile category. Bhut {“spirit or past, often angry, soul} Jolokia {“chile”} is the “Ghost” chile of recent notoriety, unseating the Chile Habanero as the now formerly “hottest” chile. This hybridized chile of Capsicum chinense and frutescen varieties is known by many names {Bih Jolokia, “Bih” meaning “poison in Assamese”; Naga Mirchi or King Cobra Chilli; Naga Jolokia, named after the fierce headhunter warriors in Nagaland; Naga Morich; etc.} and for many years was merely an unsubstantiated “myth” as the chiles never left the off-limit Northeastern Indian states of Assam, Manipur, and Nagaland, the warring tribal area next to Myanmar (Burma); above Bangladesh and beneath Bhutan (possibly where “bhut” derived).