Chuck Evans' MONTEZUMA Brand Sauces & Salsas
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Press Releases

Houston Hot Sauce Festival Salsa Contest Winners!
Scott Roberts September 15, 2012 at 6:25 pm

Houston Hot Sauce Festival Salsa Contest Winners!
Earlier today down at the HOUSTON HOT SAUCE FESTIVAL, a handful of chilehead judges tasted dozens of salsas in a Texas-style, shoot-'em-up salsa contest. This competition was held not only to give a few companies bragging rights, but also to raise both awareness and money for the Snowdrop Foundation, a worthy organization dedicated to assisting patients and families at Texas Children's Cancer Center. 

Al "Buddah" Goldenberg of I Love It Spicy! and Carol Borge of the Houston Hot Sauce Festival had put this fiery foods bout together. Just a short while ago, Al had given me the results to post. 

Salsas were judged in two categories: Best Fruit-Based Salsa and Best All-Purpose Salsa. The salsa has been eaten, the smoke has settled and the points have tabulated. Here are the results:

Best Fruit-Based Salsa . . .
Smokey Chipotle Raspberry Lime Salsa
1.  Chuck Evans'  MONTEZUMA BRAND Smokey Chipotle® Raspberry Lime Salsa 1
2.  Gunther's Gourmet- Spicy Ginger Pineapple Salsa
3.  Red's- Mango Habanero Salsa
Best All-Purpose Salsa . . .
1.  Red's - Hot Salsa
2.  High Octane Sauce Company - Tire-Smoking Medium Salsa
3.  Silver Leaf International- Ghost Pepper Salsa

Congratulations to the winners!

Cinnamon Apple Crisp Salsa

2013 Houston Hot Sauce Festival Best Fruit-Based Salsa Contest Winner



Cinnamon Apple Crisp Salsa

  1. /smokey-chipotle-raspberry-lime-salsa/

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